Trakų istorijos muziejaus drąsa žengti į priekį, atvirumas ieškoti naujų krypčių, formų, nebijoti netradicinių sprendimų, įvairovės, atvirai kalbėti ir susikalbėti, formuoti pokyčius, megzti vietines bei tarptautines draugystes, partnerystes ir kitos muziejaus veiklą lydėjusios savybės, padiktavusios jubiliejinių metų devizą – „Bendrystėje – jėga!“, tikėjomės, paskatins ir konkursantus. Nepaprastai džiaugiamės, kad šiemet iš naujo pažinti mūsų Muziejų ryžosi 58 profesionalūs dailininkai iš 20 valstybių, sukūrę 106 darbus bei 113 šešių valstybių vaikų ir jaunimo atstovų, konkursui pateikę 121 ekslibrisą.
Sveikiname Muziejaus jubiliejui skirto tarptautinio ekslibrisų konkurso dalyvius linkėdami, kad ir ateityje nepritrūktų kūrybinio polėkio, atkaklumo, šviesių minčių ir įkvėpimo!
The year 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the Trakai History Museum activities. On this occasion, the Museum organizes the International Ex Libris Competition “TIM-75” (TIM – the abbreviation for the Trakai History Museum).
For centuries, Trakai has been known as a city that welcomed people from many different nations. It is a city whose inhabitants, architecture, landscape elements, relics of old history (cemeteries, buildings, hills, former places of manor houses and sites of sacred objects), and hydronyms are like portrait elements – they are similar and yet also different.
The museum, founded in the gloomy Soviet era as a tool of political propaganda, has undergone a radical transformation. From the first breath of freedom and the opening of the Iron Curtain in the second half of the 20th century, to the ongoing changes of the dynamic present.
We are solving a dilemma which is not about What is a museum, How a museum look, but Who the museum is With. The “new museum” where its practitioners see themselves as partners playing an important role in transforming society, promoting it’s involvement and participation in culture and reducing social exclusion. We change by changing, we grow by growing! The Trakai History Museum’s exhibition divisions: Trakai Island, Trakai Peninsula and Medininkai Castles are three relics of the Gothic period that unite the other topics of the competition.
In 75 years of its experience, the Museum has accumulated more than 400,000 treasures, 25 years of living history festivals, thousands of friendships around the world, and countless partnerships and cooperation agreements. The motto of the Museum’s birthday: “Strength in unity!”
Professional artists as well as children and youngsters from 4 until 19 are welcome to participate in the Competition.
We kindly ask
participants from non-European countries to send their works until 8 May 2023 (deemed on the date of the postmark stamped on the envelope).
and participants from European countries - until 15 May 2023. (deemed on the date of the postmark stamped on the envelope).
Please find the Terms of Competition attached. The information on the Competition and the Registration Form are available here:
Your participation will help us promote the Competition among children, youngsters, and professional artists all over the world!
We wish you inspiration, peace, and wellness!
With best regards,
Živilė Barkauskaitė
El. p.
Tel. Nr. +370 611 85612, +370 528 53947