Dear Artists,
It is a great pleasure for Trakai History Museum to invite you and your students to take part in the
Professional artists as well as children and youngsters from 4 until 19 are welcome to participate in the Competition.
We kindly ask
participants from non-European countries to send their works until 7 May 2022,
, and participants from European countries - until 14 May 2022.
Your participation will help us promote the Competition among children, youngsters, and professional artists all over the world!
We would be grateful if you could distribute the information among your colleagues and friends.
We wish you inspiration, peace, and wellness!
Renata Mečkovskienė
Curator of the Competition
el. p.:
Please find the Terms of Competition attached. The information on the Competition and the Registration Form are available here:
Congratulations to the winners of the international ex-libris competition “Lithuanian Gothic Art: Reflection on Trakai’s Aesthetics and Phenomena” announced at the Trakai History Museum in 2022!
The competition aims to promote the bookplate and the city of Trakai. The exhibition and the ex-libris exhibition will be exhibited in Lithuanian libraries, presenting the Gothic heritage of Trakai with reflections on Lithuanian Gothic as medieval Lithuanian "modernism" and ex-libris, as a sign of book art, today's traditions and current events in the world context.
There were 85 professional artists that attended the competition organized by the Trakai History Museum, representing 24 countries of the world: Argentina, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, India, Italy, Montenegro, Canada, China, Croatia, Poland, Lithuania, Mexico, North Macedonia, Norway, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, and 207 children and youngsters between 4 and 19 from,representing 9 countries of the world: Belarus, the Czech Republic, Canada, Croatia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Turkey.
At the end of the competition, a jury led by Alvyga Zmejevskienė, director of the Trakai History Museum on July 22-23, 2022 , selected the best 144 works from 202 ex-libris submitted by 85 professional artists, also selected the best 84 works from 217 ex-libris submitted by 207 childrens and youth.
From 1th of Deceember there are 228 ex-libris exhibited in the Trakai Island Castle and included in the exhibition catalog.
Based on the decision of the jury, the top three professional artists were awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes. The secondary top three artists who used traditional graphic techniques in their works, as well as three authors who created their works by the means of new technologies, copyright techniques and computer graphics, were awarded 1st – 3rd place diplomas; 15 authors were awarded laureate diplomas.
Trys geriausi dalyviai iki 19 metų apdovanoti vardiniais medaliais. Kiti trys geriausi, kūrę tradicinėmis grafikos technikomis, ir trys autoriai, kurie sukūrė darbus, taikydami naujas technologijas, autorines technikas, kompiuterinę grafiką, įvertinti 1–3 vietos diplomais, 15 autorių apdovanoti laureato diplomais.
During the selection of the best artwork, special attention was given to the application of traditional graphic techniques, professional execution of work, application of new technologies, computer graphics, creativity, exclusiveness of worktion, while studying of o the Trakai history and culture.
On behalf of the Trakai History Museum, we would like to thank all the authors who became interested in the idea of the competition. We thank the project partners and the spaces that will open their doors to the traveling exhibitions featuring the works of the contestants.